Boyle column: How can North Carolina go for Trump and Cooper in the same election? (2024)

Boyle column: How can North Carolina go for Trump and Cooper in the same election? (1)

Sometimes, you good readers pop a question that really strikes a nerve.

This was the case after the recent election when a reader sent me this query:

"How is it that North Carolina can solidly elect a Democratic governor and yet garner enough votes for our current president to earn all of our Electoral College votes? Gov. RoyCooper is a person who is undoubtedly at the opposite end of the personality spectrum, as well as governance spectrum, from our current president, Donald Trump. Gov.Cooper is thoughtful in his words and actions, transparent in his actions and governing, and wants to keep the people of North Carolina safe and healthy. He understands, 'It’s the economy, stupid,'and that the economy and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis CANNOTbe addressed separately. So, again, how is it that North Carolina can solidly elect a Democratic governor and yet vote to reelect our current president? Thanks for your help in limiting a mental breakdown."

Well, I'm pretty sure the breakdown is coming, for all of us — One more time, with gusto: Thanks, 2020! — but I'll try to explain, with help from some political experts.

First of all, this is not a new phenomenon in the Tar Heel state. Remember not all that long ago — in the late 1990s and early 2000s — when we had U.S. Senators Jesse Helms and John Edwards representing North Carolina simultaneously? Republican Helms was about as right-wing and cantankerousas a politician could be; while Democrat Edwards was solidly on the left and once named People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive."

Boyle column: How can North Carolina go for Trump and Cooper in the same election? (2)

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Chris Cooper, a political scientist at Western Carolina University, also knows the Old North State's strange political history well.

"I’m not sure that I can arrest the good reader’s mental breakdown, but I hope they find it at least a small consolation in the fact that this question has been debated for half a century in North Carolina politics," Cooper said. "The dean of North Carolina statehouse journalists, Rob Christensen, called this 'the Paradox of Tar Heel Politics” in his book called…well…'The Paradox of Tar Heel Politics' (can’t accuse Christensen of burying the lead)."

We'll hear from Christensen in a second, but first Cooper offers a good summation of the retired Raleigh News & Observer journalist's thesis.

Boyle column: How can North Carolina go for Trump and Cooper in the same election? (3)

"Sure, Christensen wasn’t writing about Trump and Cooper, but if you pretend it’s 1982 (it may help to put on some Olivia Newton John) and substitute Jesse Helms and Jim Hunt for Donald Trump and Roy Cooper, you’ll find yourself pondering over the same puzzle that Rob Christensen tried to solve," Cooper said.

For the newbies out there, Jim Hunt was a four-term Democratic governor in North Carolina who also lost a bitter campaign to — you guessed it, Jesse Helms — in 1984.

So yes, the paradox lingers.

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"The reason this paradox continues is because the partisan realignment that defined the South never quite completed in North Carolina," Cooper said. "While our neighbor to the north, Virginia, switched from Democrat to Republican and back to Democrat, and our neighbor to the south, South Carolina, switched from Democrat to Republican and stayed with the Grand Old Party, North Carolina stayed fairly constant throughout this time of rapid partisan transformation in the rest of the region."

North Carolina did flip blue in 2008, going for Democrat Barack Obama in the presidential election, but Cooper argues, "the nationalmedia made a bit too much of our movement," as the reality was, "Obama’s margin in North Carolina colored North Carolina an awfulpale shade of blue."

"Likewise, when we 'flipped back'to red in 2012, I think folks made too much of this flip, which was really just a change from one side of a razor’s edge to the other," Cooper said. "From this vantage point, we’ve been purple all along. And I expect this to continue for the foreseeable future."

The 'dean' of state political reporting weighs in

Christensen, via email, pointed out that, "North Carolina has been one of the most competitive states in the country for a generation.

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"If you look at the margins of victory in the three high profile races — president, governor, and U.S. Senate — in the 80's, only Minnesota was closer, in the 90's no state was closer, and in this century only a couple of states have been closer," Christensen said.

The upshot?

"North Carolina has long been regarded as a moderate state," Christensen said. "That was true in the mid-20th century before a lot of people started moving here.This is why we have such a great university system, community college system and why North Carolinahas been a leader in the arts, etc."

Christensen also noted theGallup organization annually asks residents in each state if they identify as liberal, moderate or conservative.

"North Carolinians have consistently been very close to the middle, with a slight conservative lean," Christensen said.

That, to me, is a real key.

I think folks who live in say, Asheville, a well-known liberal enclave, tend to hang out with like-minded folks and sort of assume everybody is fairly liberal, or at least solidly Democratic. This would also hold true for say, Graham County, where folks might naturally assume most people in the Tar Heel state are like them and their friends, which is to say conservative.

As far as North Carolina electing Democratic governors, we do seem to like that approach— Christensen noted thatNorth Carolina "has elected more Democratic governors during the past 100 years than any state in the country —- including states such as Massachusetts and California," which are generally perceived as Democratic strongholds.

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It's not like we're electing radically left governors, though, because that won't wash here.

"North Carolina Democratic governors tend to be pragmatic centrists who are pro-business," Christensen said. "North Carolina voters seem to be looking for someone to make sure we have decent roads and schools when voting for governor, not ideology."

Ideology becomes much more of a factor in national races, Christensen argues, because that brings into play hot-button issues such as gun rights, abortion and national defense. North Carolina leans more Republican in federal races, but most of these elections are very close.

"Trump and Tillis won by very small margins —and may not have won if Trump had not campaigned so hard in the state," Christensen said. "The state could easily go Democratic in 2022 Senate race or 2024 presidential race."

2004 saw huge split

I also reached out to Michael Bitzer, a professor of politics and history at Catawba College, who always has an interesting perspective on these issues. He too noted the history of split-ticket voting, offering up another fascinating factoid.

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He points newcomers back to 2004, when North Carolina voted for Republican George W. Bush by 12 percentage points.

"In that same election year, North Carolina voters reelected Mike Easley, the Democrat forgovernor,by 12 percentage points," Bitzer said. "Ifyou want a wild swing of pretty epic proportions in comparisonto today, you need to only go back 16 years in this state."

We still have voters who will split their tickets, but "nowhere near the 2004 levels," he said, highlighting two factors for that: the 2008 Democratic shift that put Barack Obama in the presidency, and then the 2010 Tea Party insurgency, in part areaction to Obama.

Those events "basically pushed people into their respective partisan quarters," meaning a significant majority are "voting straight party ticket down the ballot."

“When you get down to 3 tomaybe 5% of the voters who are willing to bounce down the ballots (with bi-partisan choices), that’s where we are now," Bitzer said. "So, we’ve certainly nationalized our elections, but we still have a remnant of that bipolar, bipartisan, split ticket, voting — whatever you what to call it — that when you’re dealing with a deeply divided and competitive state, can make the difference."

One theory of mine is that North Carolinians have traditionally been "vote for the man or woman" voters, rather than strictly bound by party lines. Personalities certainly can drive voting patterns, Bitzer said, citing die-hard "Jesse-crats" who would vote Republican for Helms but Democratic when he wasn't on the ballot.

Boyle column: How can North Carolina go for Trump and Cooper in the same election? (4)

As far as Roy Cooper winning this year, Bitzer said Cooper'sa centrist, and North Carolinians like that.

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We also have an enormous number of "unaffiliated" voters in North Carolina, and that plays a role, too. North Carolina has 2.6 million registered Democrats, 2.2 million Republicans and 2.5 million unaffiliated voters, according to the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

The unaffiliatedcan be a wild card in contests, but Bitzer cautions from assuming that means they're swinging elections. He considersNorth Carolina "as being slightly more conservative than the nation as a whole."

The unaffiliated do play a crucial role.

"The thing is...they may register unaffiliated—and that’s certainly the driver of voters under 40 —but that does not mean they’re independents, and it does not mean they’re swing voters," Bitzer said. "My sense is they typically can be very partisan in their voting patterns;they just don’t like party labels."

Perhaps our penchant for living in our own bubbles, with like-minded neighbors, is the key to being surprised by all of this. Drive 30 minutes outside of Asheville, and you're in a different world, politically.

"We live in like-minded communities, and then we’re appalled that political dynamics don’tnecessarily play out based on everybody we talk to," he said. "Burst your bubble and get out there, and you’ll see there are differences."

So there you have it: a nice simple answer to a nice simple question.

Keep on voting, folks!

This is the opinion of John Boyle. Contact him at 828-232-5847 or

Boyle column: How can North Carolina go for Trump and Cooper in the same election? (2024)


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