Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (2024)

Traffic flow

Traffic incidents

© TomTom 1992 – 2024
  • Major delay

  • Minor delay

  • No delay

  • Closed


Live traffic

Local time

10:58 PM

Travel times and speeds are based on trip data anonymously collected from drivers within the larger metropolitan area (“metro”) throughout the complete road network — including fast roads and highways crossing this area.

Hourly speed and travel time per 10 km

  • Last 48 hours
  • Last 7 days

Hobart traffic in 2023

Travel time didn't change in Hobart last year.

Travel times and speeds are based on worldwide trip data spanning 551 billion (109) km anonymously collected during the year from drivers within the larger metropolitan area (“metro”) or a 5 km radius from the center (“city center”) throughout the complete road network — including fast roads and highways crossing this area.

World rank 2023 189

On average, how long did it take to drive

10 km




16 min

10 s

no change

since 2022

Which was the worst day to travel through Hobart in 2023?

January 16 Monday

Average travel time to drive 10 km

21 min 50 s

The cost of driving in rush hour

What was the yearly cost of driving in Hobart during rush hour? How much time did you spend driving, and how did it affect your finances and the environment?

One-way commute


Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (1)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (2)

Travel time



time spent driving

52h due to congestion

29xHobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (3)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (4)

Approximately 29 books

Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (5)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (6)




CO2 emitted

118kg due to congestion

83xHobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (7)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (8)

83 trees grown over a year to absorb

Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (9)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (10)

Fuel price



money spent

98AUD due to congestion

7xHobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (11)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (12)


7 average-sized tanks of petrol

Driving patterns in Hobart

What did travel times look like over a week in Hobart? When was it best to avoid driving? At what points did we use the most fuel and emit the most CO2?

One-way commute


  • Travel time
  • Speed
  • Consumption
  • Emissions

12:00 AM

01:00 AM

02:00 AM

03:00 AM

04:00 AM

05:00 AM

06:00 AM

07:00 AM

08:00 AM

09:00 AM

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

12:00 PM

01:00 PM

02:00 PM

03:00 PM

04:00 PM

05:00 PM

06:00 PM

07:00 PM

08:00 PM

09:00 PM

10:00 PM

11:00 PM


13 min 30 s14 min

13 min 13 min

12 min 40 s13 min

12 min 30 s13 min

12 min 10 s12 min

12 min 10 s12 min

12 min 20 s12 min

12 min 40 s13 min

13 min 13 min

13 min 50 s14 min

14 min 20 s14 min

14 min 40 s15 min

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14 min 40 s15 min

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14 min 20 s14 min

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14 min 14 min

13 min 50 s14 min

13 min 30 s14 min

13 min 10 s13 min


13 min 20 s13 min

13 min 20 s13 min

13 min 10 s13 min

12 min 10 s12 min

11 min 40 s12 min

11 min 40 s12 min

12 min 40 s13 min

15 min 30 s16 min

20 min 20 min

16 min 16 min

15 min 40 s16 min

15 min 50 s16 min

16 min 16 min

16 min 16 min

16 min 10 s16 min

18 min 18 min

17 min 50 s18 min

18 min 18 min

15 min 40 s16 min

14 min 50 s15 min

14 min 20 s14 min

13 min 50 s14 min

13 min 30 s14 min

13 min 10 s13 min


13 min 20 s13 min

13 min 20 s13 min

13 min 10 s13 min

12 min 10 s12 min

11 min 40 s12 min

11 min 40 s12 min

12 min 40 s13 min

16 min 16 min

21 min 21 min

16 min 50 s17 min

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15 min 10 s15 min

15 min 15 min

14 min 50 s15 min

14 min 30 s15 min

14 min 20 s14 min

14 min 14 min

13 min 40 s14 min

Best time to avoid

Which day of the week had the worst rush hour?

8 AM - 9 AM


10 km

took on average:

21 min

What do commuters stand to save per year by adjusting their travel habits (for a

10 km

commute in


Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (13)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (14)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (15)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (16)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (17)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (18)

One day of working from home (



30 hours

138 AUD

166 kg

Three days of working from home (

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays


91 hours

412 AUD

496 kg

How busy was Hobart during rush hour?

Let's take a closer look at rush hour. How much extra time was spent idling in traffic? What was the average speed?

One-way commute


Weekday rush hour

How much additional time was spent in the car during rush hour in Hobart?

  • Optimal travel time
  • Extra travel time

Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (19)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (20)



+ 8 min







Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (21)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (22)



+ 6 min







How much extra time did we spend driving in rush hours over the year?

52 hours = 2 days, 4 hours

1 h 12 min

less than in 2022

Average speed in rush hour

How fast can you drive in Hobart during rush hour?





Time taken to travel

10 km

20 min





Time taken to travel

10 km

18 min

Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (23)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (24)










Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (25)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (26)

Electric scooter









Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (27)Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (28)

Electric moped









How does the city compare to the whole country?

Find more on the country page


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Hobart traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index (2024)


What time is peak traffic in Hobart? ›

Generally the morning peak period is an hour, however this is dependent on the individual road network. For example the Brooker Highway experiences a longer morning peak time commencing at 7.30am predominately due to demographic factors which may influence when people start work.

Why does my TomTom keep losing live traffic? ›

Make sure that information sharing is enabled on your navigation device. Make sure that your subscription service is listed as activated on your device. Make sure that your device is connected. For smartphone connected devices, make sure personal hotspot is enabled on your phone.

What is the TomTom traffic index? ›

It measures the city traffic. This occasionally covers a few km of highway and shows the most congested areas of the cities. Larger cities have higher traffic volume and more congestion at their centers. It is the total travel time (sum over all traversals) divided by the total km driven (sum over all traversals).

Which city has the least traffic in the world? ›

The US' Oklahoma City recorded the least traffic congestion in the world in 2023 with commuters taking 8 minutes and 40 seconds on average to travel per 10 kilometres, TomTom Traffic Index showed.

What are the best hours to avoid traffic? ›

When it comes to avoiding heavy traffic, timing is key. If you time your drive carefully, you can usually escape the heaviest rush-hour traffic. Try to avoid driving—especially on the highway—between the hours of 7 to 9 a.m and 4 to 6 p.m. to avoid getting caught in peak rush-hour traffic.

What time is traffic highest? ›

Rush hour is bimodal in the United States – consisting of a morning and evening period. In this study, rush hour is defined as 6:00 am to 9:00 am and 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. One in four U.S. traffic deaths occurred during rush hour, taking the lives of nearly 11,000 people.

Why did TomTom fail? ›

What happened? Corinne Vigreux, the chief executive who is also one of TomTom's four co-founders, puts it down to two factors: “The economic crisis in 2008 – plus smartphones became popular, and Google began offering navigation for free on [Android-powered] phones.”

Is TomTom more accurate than Google Maps? ›

Google Maps is usually always more accurate and updated than TomTom.

What has happened to TomTom? ›

Recently, the company has transitioned its consumer business away from devices to offer software applications instead with digital maplinked services.

How accurate is TomTom traffic? ›

TomTom real time traffic information is the most accurate, comprehensive and frequently updated in the world, helping you create location aware systems.

Which city has the worst traffic in the US? ›

New York City has the worst traffic in the U.S.

The TomTom report found that, on average, commuters in the heart of the Big Apple spent 24 minutes and 50 seconds driving about six miles in 2023, a 20-second increase over 2022.

Which US state has the least traffic? ›

The nation's least congested roads are found in North Dakota and South Dakota, both with an average morning commute of 20 minutes — six minutes below the national average.

Which country has the worst traffic in the world? ›

Philippines. According to a survey by Waze, traffic congestion in Metro Manila is called the "worst" in the world, after Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Jakarta.

What is the peak in Hobart Tasmania? ›

Few cities can equal Hobart for the natural magnificence of its backdrop, with kunanyi / Mount Wellington towering 1271 metres above the city. That's almost 200 metres taller than the famed Table Mountain in Cape Town.

What is the best time to travel around Tasmania? ›

Arguably the best time of year to visit Tasmania is in their summer, from December to February, when it is warm and dry. Maximum temperatures average between 20 Celcius to 24 Celcius along the coast, and the valleys west of Hobart (the warmest locations), regularly rise above 25 Celcius.

How early do I need to be at Hobart Airport? ›

For connections with international flights from Hobart, it's recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 90 minutes before departure. For domestic flights, most airlines recommend being at the airport at least an hour before your flight, especially if you have luggage to check in.

What times are roads busiest? ›

Worst times to travel by road

When analysing data from all 25 towns and cities we found that the peak hours for traffic congestion were 8am to 9am and 5pm to 6pm – with Wednesday afternoons being the UK's busiest time of the week for road users.


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.