Noggin: Feetface and Phred's Vengeance (2024)

Remember Noggin from 1999? Well, it changed to Nick Jr in 2009 but now this year in July, they're shutting down.

The DVD begins with the Noggin logo but it was off.

The Noggin logo came up but he looked depressed like he didn't want to be here.

He sighed then holded up a picture of him smiling.

Noggin then picked up the picture and began to cry.

"Why did they have me taken away for shutting me down for me and the others too?" He sobbed in the voice of Digit from Cyberchase.

Just then to make the logo longer, Noggin stopped crying and got evilized by the akuma. Then it cut to Professor Brown's lair.

"Noggin." Professor Brown said. "I am Professor Brown. It appears you've been shut down from the place you called home so that's why I came in here. Maybe get some revenge and find here the Miraculous of Dog and Hank Noir."

"Of course Mr. Brown." Noggin accepted. And Noggin became the supervillain.

Noggin now had

"I'm off to get some revenge and find the Miraculous of Dog and Hank Noir." Noggin spoke. "Nothing can stop me now!"

Noggin then took off laughing evilly.

Noggin: Feetface and Phred's Vengeance (1)

Then the menu shows up. It had Feetface and Phred in it with the title at the top of them saying: "Noggin: Feeftface and Phred's Favorite Weekly Picks".

The DVD begins all the episodes with "Pinky Dinky Doo: Shrinky Pinky" and ends with "Bubble Guppies: Bubble Puppy's Fintastic Fairytale Adventure". After them all, a warning screen shows up while text reading.

Noggin: Feetface and Phred's Vengeance (2)

"WARNING: This episode features the old mascots of the Nick Jr. Channel (Feetface and Phred) yet contains scenes that have violence and scenes that have strong language and/or. This is rather offensive which is why we tried to not air it and Noggin is saying goodbye in July. But we did air it anyway because it was too late. Please watch at your own risk anytime. Thank you."

The episode began with Feetface and Phred in their room but they looked depressed like they didn't want to be here.

"Oh." Feetface groaned. "Why did we have to go?"

After he groaned that, he and Phred picked up the pictures of them and began to cry.

"Why did they have us taken away for shutting us down for us and our friends?" Phred sobbed.

Just then Moose and Zee walked into the shot and tried to reason with them.

"Feetface, Phred, is everyhting okay?" Moose asked.

"No, we're not okay." Feetface cried.

"Why not?" Zee asked in the voice of Matt from Cyberchase.

Moose gasped at what he saw.

Feetface and Phred stopped crying and gasped.

"ZEE?!" Moose gasped.

"Wow!" Feetface gasped. "We didn't know you can talk."

"Of course I can." Zee said. "I usally communicate by blinking."

"But how?! Because those brats at Paramount shut us down as mascots." Phred sobbed.

Just then it cut to Hawk Moth's lair.

"HAWK MOTH?!" I questioned in confusion and shock. "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HE DOING HERE?!"

"What do we have here?" Hawk Moth said. "2 mascots who are devasated that Paramount has shut down the place they called home? They're perfect my own akuma. Now fly away my little akuma and evilize the 2 broken hearts."

When the akuma got to Feetface and Phred to evilize them, they stopped crying and gasped.

"Who are you?!" Feetface wondered.

"Get away from here!" Phred berated.

"Calm down you two." Hawk Moth told Feetface and Phred. "I'm here to help."

" are?" Phred questioned.

Noggin: Feetface and Phred's Vengeance (3)

"Yes." Hawk Moth replied. "I am Hawk Moth and you two are now Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred. Seems that Paramount has shut down the place you called home so that's why I just came in here. But to let you guys know, I'm here to give you this here power for revenge. The one thing I'll have you do is to find your way to Paris and retrieve the Miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir."

"Of course Hawk Moth." Feetface and Phred accepted.

Feetface and Phred got covered in orange smok which then they turned into akumatized Villains.

Feetface was now Feetface Vengeance, he had

Phred was now Vengeance Phred, he had

"F-Feetface?! Ph-Phred?!" Moose gasped in terror. "Is that you?!"

"I am no longer Feetface. I am now Feetface Vengeance!" Feetface spoke.

"And I am now longe Phred. I am now Vengeance Phred!" Phred spoke.

"Well, what are you guys gonna do now?!" Zee whimpered concerned.

Moose and Zee stood back for a bit.

"WE'RE GETTING REVENGE ON PARAMOUNT FOR SHUTTING US DOWN!!" Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred yelled.

"W-W-WHAT?!" Moose and Zee gasped.

Vengeance Phred and Feetface Vengeance then took out katanas and sliced Moose and Zee's head off as they screamed in agony.

After that, they looked at the poster of Nickelodeon and Nick Jr.

"Time to pay the Nick Jr and Nickelodeon shows a visit!" Feetface grinned.

"Yeah." Phred agreed.

It then cut to Julius Jr’s Playhouse. Just then the main characters Julius, Ping, Clancy, Sheri and Worry Bear walked into the shot.

"Don’t you remember guys?” Julius asked. “Feetface and Phred are going to burn down the Playhouse.”

“Yeah.” Clancy agreed. “Feetface and Phred the old mascots of Nick Jr are going to burn down the Playhouse.”

”I swear those mascots are off to do something to this stupid team!” Worry Bear said breaking the 4th wall.

”Worry Bear?” Sheri gasped. “Since when did you learn how to break the 4th wall?”

Just then, Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred teleported into the shot.

”Hey bastards!” Vengeance Phred greeted sinisterly.

“Hey!” Worry Bear berated. “Don’t call us that!”

”Why are you here anyway?” Julius asked.

Feetface Vengeance took out a box of matches.

”To burn down the Playhouse like you guys said of course.” He said.

Vengeance Phred then poured gasoline on the floor and Feetface Vengeance lit a match and threw it which then they teleported out.

NO, WAIT!” Sheri shouted. But it was too late.

The Playhouse began to light on fire then the fire reaches to Julius, Worry Bear, Sheri, Clancy and Ping. Julius, Sheri, Clancy, Worry Bear and Ping screamed in anguish as they were being burned. Soon after that, they became nothing more than a skull and the Playhouse collapsed but the episode wasn’t over yet.

It then cut to Lalaloopsy Land. Jewel and her friends were playing along. But Jewel thought she heard something coming from Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred but it was nothing. Just then she said something to Spot, Dot and Peanut.

"Did you hear that Feetface and Phred who got shut down are on a killing spree?" Jewel asked.

"A KILLING SPREE?!" Spot gasped.

"Feetface and Phred?!" Dot exclaimed. "Who are they?"

"Well, they are old mascots of Noggin until they shut down in July." Peanut replied. "But there's something you don't see everyday."

Just then, Feetface and Phred dropped by and Feetface sliced Peanut's head off with a katana as she screamed in agony.


"Feetface?! Phred?!" Dot screamed.

"Is that you?!" Spot asked.

"Y'ALL ARE DONE FOR!!" Phred told Jewel, Spot and Dot. "PREPARE TO BE KILLED!!"

Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred then killed Jewel, Spot, Dot and the rest of the Lalaloopsy characters with a chainsaw. They all screamed in pain as they were being chainsawed.

it then cut to Umi City from "Team Umizoomi" where Milli, Geo and Bot were riding in Umi Car.

"OK, team!" Bot spoke. "We have to find out who is causing mayhem!"

"Right, Bot." Geo told Bot.

"Guys!" Milli gasped, in the original voice of Sophie Fox. "I heard Feetface and Phred are going to get us next!"

"Who are they?" Bot asked.

"They are old mascots of Noggin until they shut down in July." Milli explained.

Suddenly, Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred appeared in front of them.

"Hey there, Team Umizoomi!" Vengeance Phred greeted sinisterly.

"Feetface? Phred?" Geo asked.

"Is that you?" Bot questioned, confusingly.

"It is Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred to you!" Vengeance Phred berated.

"Well, what are you doing here?" Geo asked.

"We are here to kill you!" Feetface Vengeance replied.

"No!" Milli berated. "That is not what you should do."

"Yeah!" Geo agreed. "You better stop or we will call the police on you."

"Never!" Feetface Vengeance screamed. "We will never stop! We will do what we want for the rest of our lives!"

"Huh?" Bot asked.

Feetface Vengeance then used a laser beam on Umi-Car.

Umi-Car screamed in anguish as he was being beamed.

Milli, Geo and Bot gasped at what happened to Umi-Car.

"UMI-CAR!!!" Geo and Milli gasped.

"NO!!!" Bot screamed.

Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred pulled out their weapons.

"Say goodbye Team Umizoomi!" Phred said to Milli, Geo and Bot.

He and Feetface then killed Team Umizoomi with a shotgun, sword and katana.

Milli, Geo and Bot screamed in agony as they were being killed.

It then cut to Widget's Workshop. Wubbzy was waiting for Widget to be done with her new invention. Just then Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred teleported into the shot.

"Wow Wow Feetface and Phred!" Wubbzy greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"We're getting revenge on getting shut down." Feetface Vengeance Answered.

"WHAT?!" Wubbzy gasped. "ARE YOU SURE?!"

"Yes." Vengeance Phred replied. "NOW GOODBYE YELLOW ONE!"

"UH-OH!" Wubbzy gasped.

Wubbzy screamed in anguish as he was being sliced to death by Feetface Vengeance Phred. But Widget went into the shot and Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred had to camouflage themselves.

"Wubbzy!" Widget called. "Where are you?"

But then she gasped at what she saw. Her friend was dead. But she didn't cry about it.

"Wait." Widget said to herself. "That's weird. I wonder may have caused the trouble in here."

Just then Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred startled Widget into the shot.

"Hi Widget." Feetface Vengeance greeted. "We're here to get revenge on you for shutting us down."

"WHAT?!" Widget gasped.

Widget then screamed in agony as she was being killed by Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred. Which then after doing that, they killed all of Wuzzleburg.

It then cut to Dora from Dora the Explorer and his little monkey "Boots" stopping Swiper from swiping Map and Backpack.

"Swiper no swiping!" Dora and Boots scolded. "Swiper no swiping!"

"Sorry, but you're too late and-

Before Swiper could finish, Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred

"Hey there, little girl, monkey and fox!" They greeted sinisterly.

Swiper became confused and saw Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred as he

"Huh?" Swiper asked. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

"My name is Feetface Vengeance!" Feetface Vengeance introduced himself.

"And I'm Vengeance Phred." Vengeance Phred introduced himself.


"You're TOO late!" Feetface Vengeance said to Swiper as he and Vegenace Phred took out a buzzsaw. "You'll never stop us now."

"OH MAN!" Swiper said as he screamed in agony being killed.

"Yay!" Dora and Boots cheered.

"We're saved!" Map cheered.

"You liar!" Vengeance Phred said to Map. "We didn't come to save you guys."

"Well, what are you doing here?" Dora asked.

"We're here to get rid of you." Feetface Vengeance replied.

"WHAT?!" Dora and Backpack gasped.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!" Boots told Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred.

"TOO LATE!" Vengeance Phred said to Boots. "BYE BYE STRANGE EXPLORERS!"

I was confused and shocked. Who would call anyone strange explorers?

Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred then took down Dora & Boots with chainsaws. They both screamed in pain as they were being chainsawed.

Then they took down Map & Backpack with swords. They also screamed in pain as they were being stabbed.

It then cut to the Animal Rescue Center. Diego and Alicia were checking the next animal to be when suddenly they heard demonic laughters coming from Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred.

"WE JUST NEED DIEGO!" Feetface Vengeance said

"Alicia, did you hear that?” Diego asked.

“Who is that?” Alicia asked.

”That’s Feetface and Phred.” Diego answered.

"I have no idea who Feetface and Phred really are.” Alicia said.

"Well, they are the mascots of Noggin until they shut down in July.” Diego replied.

After he finished his answer, Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred teleported into the shot.

"¡Hola Feetface and Phred!" Diego greeted in Spanish.

"Feetface! Phred!" Alicia asked Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred in confusion. "What are you doing to the Noggin and Nick Jr. shows?"

"We're killing them because we just wanted to get some revenge." Feetface Vengeance answered.

"WHAT?!" Alicia gasped.

"SO, ARE YOU HERE TO KILL US?!" Diego asked in horror.

"Yes." Vengeance Phred replied as he and Feetface Vengeance took out a chainsaw. "NOW ADIOS ANIMAL RESCUER AND ADIOS TO THIS ONE!"

"OH NO!" Diego and Alicia screamed.

Diego and Alicia screamed in agony as they were being chainsawed.

It then cut to Bubbletucky. The Bubble Guppies were at school, just then Mr. Grouper swam into the shot.

"Good Morning Mr. Grouper!" The Guppies greeted.

"Well Good Morning everyone!" Mr. Grouper greeted back.

Then Zooli swam into the shot.

"Hey, guys!" Zooli said. "Have you ever heard of Feetface and Phred?"

"Feetface and Phred?!" Molly exclaimed.

"Who are they?" Goby asked.

"They are old mascots of Noggin until they shut down in July." Nonny replied.

Suddenly, Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred teleported right into the shot after he finished his answer.

The Bubble Guppies and Mr. Grouper gasped as they saw that.

"Feetface?! Phred?!" Deema gasped. "Is that you?! What are you doing here?!"

"How about no questions?" Feetface told Deema.

The Bubble Guppies and Mr. Grouper gasped again after he said that.

This was shocking to me too. I thought Feetface was gonna say "How about no?".

Vengeance Phred then grabbed a chainsaw and sliced Mr. Grouper to death as he screamed in agony.

"The poor Bubble Guppies." I thought in surprise. "They look shocked in seeing their teacher die."

"MR. GROUPER!!" The Bubble Guppies cried.

"NO!!!" Oona screamed.

Then Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred took out a katana and said: "BYE BYE GUPPIES!"

”Uh-Oh!” Gil gasped in horror.

The Bubble Guppies then screamed in anguish as they were getting their heads tortured.

It then cut to LazyTown. Stephanie just got back from her trip.

"It's good to be back in LazyTown." She spoke.

Just then Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred teleported in front of her startling her.

"Who are you?!" Stephanie asked. "And what are you even doing here."

"The name's Feetface Vengeance." Feetface Vengeance introduced himself.

"And I'm Vengeance Phred." Vengeance Phred introduced himself.

Stephanie was shocked after they did that like she didn't know what else to do. She tried to get to her Uncle but the door was locked.


Just then Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred pointed their weapon at Stephanie.

Suddenly, Sportacus zipped into the shot.

"Nobody messes with Stephanie!" Sportacus berated.

"Not Today!" Feetface Vengeance raged as he shot Sportacus using a machine gun. He screamed in anguish as he was being shot so much for Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred's amusem*nt.

"NOW BYE BYE PINK ONE!" Phred told Stephanie.

Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred then killed Stephanie with buzzsaws.

Stephanie screamed in pain she was being sawed.

After that, they even killed Mayor Milford Meanswell, Bessie Busybody, Pixel, Stingy, Ziggy and Trixie.

Just then, Robbie Rotten walked into the shot as he saw what was happening.

"What is going on here?" Robbie asked angrily.

Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred then turned to Robbie and got angry.

"Hello Robbie." They greeted.


"Oh, you want us to be quiet?" Vengeance Phred asked. "Well try being quiet with this."

Robbie gasped at what Vengeance Phred had said. Then he sliced Robbie's head with a sword. He screamed in pain as he was being killed.

It then cut to Great Big City. Pinky was about to make a story for her little brother Tyler and Mr. Guinea Pig.

"OK!" Pinky began. "So one day-"

Before Pinky could finish, Feetface and Phred teleported into the shot.

"Guys." Pinky gasped. "What's gotten into you? I have to write up a story."

"Actually" Feetface said. "Since we came here to get revenge, how about we write up a story about you and me?"

Pinky, Tyler and Mr. Guinea Pig gasped after he said that which then they began to make up a story. At the end of the story, they saw no one in the room.

"Where is everyone?" Phred asked.

Just then he and Feetface teleported out of the room and outside of Great Big City where Tyler, Pinky and Mr. Guinea Pig were horrified that their Mommy and Daddy have been erased.

"Now let's erase you guys." He said as he and Vengeance Phred took out an eraser to erase them.

Pinky, Tyler and Mr. Guinea Pig screamed in anguish as they were being erased.

It then showed DJ Lance with the Gabbas.

”Did you hear that Feetface and Phred were shut down?” DJ Lance asked.

"I did!" Foofa answered.

"So did we!" Muno, Toodee and Brobee spoke.

"I know we heard her, but don't worry we-"

Just then, the lights turned off, including the white background which made the scene really dark.

Noggin: Feetface and Phred's Vengeance (4)

"OH NO!!!" Brobee screamed. "The lights are off!"

"Plex?" Muno asked. "Do you think we can see better!"

"Of course!" Plex answered. "I can use the flashlight on my head so we can see better!"

Plex then turned on his flashlight attenna on.

Noggin: Feetface and Phred's Vengeance (5)

"Plex?" DJ Lance asked. "Can you beam down so we can find out where it is?"

"Sure!" Plex accepted.

Plex then beamed DJ Lance straight down into Gabba Land.

"Thanks Plex!" DJ Lance thanked Plex. "Now let's find out where the noise is coming from!"

Just then, they heard Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred's demonic laughters in the background.

"What was that?!" Toodee gasped.

"It came from Muno Land!" Plex pointed out. "Come on! We have to find out what it is!"

The gang then sang "What is it?" from Find and Animals as they all

After they sang, Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred teleported into the shot.

"Hey there, orange DJ and music creatures." Feetface Vengeance greeted

"Woah!" DJ Lance gasped. "Feetface, Phred, what happened to you?!"

The Gabbas agreed and they all asked the same question.

"YOU ALL ARE FINISHED!!" Vengeance Phred told them.

"WHAT?!" DJ Lance and the Gabbas gasped. (So did I as well).

Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred then took out their weapons.

“GOODBYE FRIENDS!" Feetface told them.

The Gabbas and DJ Lance screamed in agony as they were being killed by Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred.

”Now for the backyard creatures.” Feetface spoke.

It then cut to the Backyardigans yard. Pablo, Tyrone, Uniqua, Tasha and Austin were playing tag with each other. But when Tyrone stopped, there's something he noticed. Uniqua, Austin, Pablo and Tasha gathered along.

"Did you guys hear that Feetface and Phred who got shut down are here to kill us?" Tyrone asked.

"No, I haven't." Pablo answered.

"Me neither." Uniqua agreed. "But who are Feetface and Phred?"

"They are old mascots of Noggin right until they shut down in July." Austin replied.

Just then Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred teleported into the shot.

"Hello creatures!" Feetface Vengeance greeted.

"Feetface? Phred?" Austin asked to Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred, confusingly. "What have you done to the Noggin and Nick Jr. shows?!"

"We’re just killing all of them because I wanted to get revenge on being shut down." Feetface answered.

"WHAT?!" Tasha gasped.

"SO NOW YOU'RE HERE TO KILL US?!" Pablo asked in horror.


Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred then killed the Backyardigans by using katanas

Pablo, Tyrone, Uniqua, Tasha and Austin screamed in agony as they was being killed by Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred.

Then it cut to Pocoyo's World where Pocoyo was minding his own business along with Pato, Elly and Loula. Just then Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred teleported into the shot.

"Feetface? Phred?" Pocoyo asked.


Elly and Pato got scared until Loula confronted them, but it was no use.

"Time to die!" Feetface shouted and threw a flamethrower at Pocoyo and his friends as they screamed in anguish.

Feetface and Phred laughed evilly like nothing happened and set the whole world on fire and every other Pocoyo character dies.

It then cut to Peppa's House. Peppa was minding her own business. Just then Feetface and Phred teleported into the shot.

"Hello Feetface and Phred." Peppa greeted. "Do you want to play with us?"

"No." Feetface said to Peppa. "We’re here to get some revenge."

"WHAT?!" Peppa gasped. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!"


That was shocking and confusing to me. Who would call any pig a rare piggy?

Peppa and everyone screamed in agony as they were being killed.

It then showed a montage of Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred killing everyone like Piper O Possum, Face and more (Even Jugi and his Claire Studios countpart, NichJana).

After the montage, it then cut to Paramount Studious then it panned to Paramount Headquarters where everything was down.

"Time to teach those bitches a lesson." Feetface and Phred said.

That was shocking to me. No one has ever swore in a kids show before.

Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred then bursted the doors open as they went to the Paramount team.

The Paramount team in live action were revealed to be resembling.

They were very shocked in surprise to see Feetface and Phred. Just then one of the members spoke in the voice of PJ from Cyberchase.

"Um...Feetface? Phred?" He asked. "I thought we shut you down."

"Well, you did this to us." Feetface said. "And now you're gonna pay for this!"

"But are you giving us the chance to be killed?" Paramount team member 3 questioned in the voice of Berny The Penguin.

"Of course." Phred replied. "NOW OFF YOU ALL GO!!!"

Then Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred rammed up the Paramount team with chainsaws. The Paramount team screamed in agony as they were being killed.

"Good job!" Hawk Moth told Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred. "Now just find the miraculouses."

"Hmmm. We don't actually think so Hawk Moth." Feetface Vengeance said.

Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred teleported to his lair.

"WHAT?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Hawk Moth demanded.

"Sorry Mr. Moth," Phred Vengeance said as he grabbed a shotgun from his pockets. "but it's just for the best."

"ARE YOU BETRAYING ME?!" Hawk Moth gasped.

Vengeance Phred however, didn't respond as he shot Hawk Moth in the chest as he fell to his knees.

"How...could you..." Hawk Moth weakly said as he fell to the ground and bled out.

"Sorry. We're on our own now Hawk Moth." Feetface Vengeance said while chuckling.

"" However, Hawk Moth had already blacked out. Meaning that he died.

I gasped at what happened. I couldn't believe Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred killed Hawk Moth after getting akumatized.

It then showed what scared me more is first the teleportation of Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred after Paramount Studious was caught on fire. They spoke to the camera while the creepy music box version of the Noggin 2002 anthem played.

"Hey suckers!" Feetface Vengeance greeted. "Guess what, we have taken down all of the Nick Jr shows and killed the Paramount team."

"Yeah." Phred agreed. "And here's one more thing. To anyone who has seen the episode, you'll be next."

"Say goodbye fools!" Feetface Vengeance said.

Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred then flew off laughing evilly.

The credits rolled on the background texts were red and the music that played in the background was Feather by Sabrina Carpenter.

It then showed the logos but they were off.

The Noggin logo came up but it was just like in Moose A. Moose's Vengeance.

The Nickelodeon came up but the splat was blood, the text was black and reversed and Feetface Vengeance and Vengeance Phred are shown.

After the logos a Jumpscare comes up.

It was an edited picture of Wubbzy on "Wubbzy Bounces Back" where he realized his Kickety Kick Ball was plooey. But the difference was he had red pupils and he was crying blood.

The episode ends.

(The end)

Noggin: Feetface and Phred's Vengeance (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.