The Beat With Ari Melber : MSNBCW : April 8, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. thank you for letting us into your homes during these extraordinary times. hi, happy monday.

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>> hi, happy eclipse day. were you prepping so much you got to see it? >> i went to the roof. did you see it? >> i laid down with the glasses and we work with words but words fail when you think about the whole universe. >> it's very cool. you don't realize what a marvel it is until you put the glasses on. that's amazing. you get the hype. >> yeah. it was remarkable. there we are, nice thing everyone might unify four. >> have a great show. welcome to the beat. we will get to the eclipse and other fun stuff after the course of the hour together. we begin with warning signs for donald trump. the campaign faces headwinds now into key metrics. money and the votes they will need together. for finances, donald trump -- a

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wide margin. this is a big part of politics. you know that from the news in primaries but sometimes all the personality and hijinks and other things overshadow just the wrong way this works. biden now pulling and 90 million last month, trump only doing two thirds of that. there is an advantage, we will see if biden benefits. when you run against the current president you want to be equal or above in money if you can. biden has more than doubled trumps cash on hand. i showed you the new hall when you look over all that they have the disparity is even starker. you may have heard or no donald trump certainly knows why there is this disparity. part of it might be a gap among donors, the other part is the very unusual situation that trump is in. he's trying to rent to recapture the white house but is sitting on over a half $1 billion in combined legal fees, debts, penalties, however you want to bundle it.

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trump has hosted a billionaire packet fundraiser. he did that a couple days ago. people rich medium and working class, because we know people sometimes give $10, all the people who give on the republican side are aware the money they are giving is not going solely to the campaign. they have to decide whether they still want to give when they know $.30 on the dollar may be basically taken away from the campaign project that they support and put into donald trump's pockets to reimburse for his own personal bills. trump did promise these wealthy people in attendance that they would get their money back if he wins because he all but said it is a back-and-forth for low taxes. that's not a new message. >> will get your taxes done, don't worry. >> we are cutting taxes for the middle class and i will tell you we are cutting them for the middle class. we are lowering taxes. our plan will remove millions

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and millions of workers from the income tax role entirely. we are lowering taxes substantially. >> when we talk about donald trump and when we show him saying things or how we deal with him because he's not a traditional candidate those are statements on tape that are basically true. candidates go back and forth in general about these things, but donald trump did say he would cut taxes and he did make efforts to cut taxes and pass bills to that. the only quibble maybe whether it was emphasized for middle- class or not because cutting taxes for billionaires is a promise trump has kept. his donors remember the campaign is reporting over $50 million i mentioned, but that's not going to clear out the legal bills. the biden campaign is jumping on this issue. we are going to the general election. they posted this video hours after the trump fundraiser. >> when he things the cameras aren't on he tells his rich friends where going to give you

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tax cuts. that makes me mad as . >> the hypocrisy is just outrageous. this is what he says to his billionaire friends, not quite what he's saying at his rallies. >> asking his good buddies to begin to pay their fair share. >> we covered last week how we had that sanders biden meet up. while you might look at the style and tiktok and say what are they going after on substance they are trying to connect with people who are taking about their pocketbook and looking at these issues. some donors we reported flocking back to trump are doing so for the taxes or money advantage they think it will get. some people previously said he was unacceptable or he should be punished or jailed. as the biden campaign rings and those allies republicans are being strident. they spent the last several months scolding holdouts that it's time to get behind trump. >> we support president trump. we support his policies.

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any republican that isn't willing to adapt these policies you are completely eradicating. >> it's time to get behind president trump. >> it's time to unite. i'll be supporting trump 100%. >> that's not a coincidence. you know the term talking point . they distribute them and try to get people to say them. this is a trump approach. there's different politicians who say if nikki haley was getting one out of five or more maybe you want an olive branch or meeting. that's not the trump way. they are using this in a whole battery of public and private pressure to basically say think about how this will affect you if you're on the wrong side of this a second term has been promised to be more vengeful. they are basically posting a demand for any reluctant republicans to get in line. there's a quick line from one of the wealthiest donors. >> it's time for republicans,

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including those who doubt him or even can't stand him, to get behind him. >> now, we could talk about what it means when even your supporter video has to acknowledge there are people who literally can't stand you and trump has concerns. he's hemorrhaging support in those crucial swing states. within one in five republican voters in places like ohio or arizona, it jumps to 15% in georgia. when you look at the vote share , the primary votes are what will happen, none is determinative. nothing tells you what will happen. we do see when the public messaging is this desperate it reflects them reading the same data. nikki haley has dropped out. there's no organized republican challenger in some states where people still didn't want to just put their name down for trump. that is a republican primary. donald trump is struggling to

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figure out what the message is for november. the tax cuts work for some people. republicans have run on tax cuts for a long time but there's broader issues here. there's investigations into joe biden which had an echo of the ukraine scandal where it has more than doubled back or not worked. the criminal probe of 2025 doesn't seem to be going anywhere. what you're left with is a big question. if donald trump is behind in these states i mentioned, meaning not consolidated full republican support, which is a prelude to get independence and swing voters, and if he hasn't gotten enough money and if this election year is anything like the past where there is an advantage scientists measure that meeting ayden isn't super popular, we have covered that. that's part of this. that's the reality of what people are saying. if you add all these together,

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the message and right now if tax cuts is the biggest things they're talking about the question is, is trump on a path to losing to joe biden again? we have two special guests. we begin this eclipse week. we are back together in 90 seconds. did you know some dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those! try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long.

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sometimes the narrative or things people have said over a long period of time don't turn out to be useful or true. i think both of these candidates by certain measures are unpopular but i'm wondering what you think of the areas where trump may still be lagging even though he gets a lot of fear and attention beyond the current numbers. >> first of all, the numbers are still pretty neck and neck. if you look at the polls there have been some upticks and the biden side lately but it's still close. a lot of fundamentals were in the democrats favor in 2016. i think we need to remember that a lot of -- trump is dealing dashing there is a different paradigm here. one of the interesting things watching the report coming into this is it was an old school presidential messaging thing. republicans lower taxes,

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democrats not so fast. he's trying to help his buddies and it was almost refreshing. it's a very traditional base plays and i do think if you look at the polls and how voters look at who they trust more with the economy trump fair or not seems to do much better in those had to heads than biden does. the democrats have a big messaging gap. ultimately, i think it'll come down -- some pocket but issues are fundamental and i think that is something these democrats and biden is going to have to work on closely. >> we are glad you're feeling refreshed. i take your point. molly, what mark is saying is that two nominees debating actual policy is great. i told viewers we will cover both sides. we've had people on from both sides. i'm not going to be airing trump lying about the results or doing other things that don't merit newsworthy attention. i

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am going to air him making these pitches whether for donors or more conservative voters or both. what do you think about mark's -- i don't mean it in a bad way but his spin or take that if this can at times be a policy debate that's good for the election? >> i'll be interested to hear if trump does he keep talking about taxes particularly in front of voters. i recall going all the way back to the 2018 midterms when the republicans had passed the so- called tax cuts and jobs act which cut taxes across the board for middle-class as well as for wealthy people. trump did not talk about it during that campaign. he preferred to talk about the caravans and immigration. he views those issues usually as more exciting. he certainly has not lacked for incendiary rhetoric, polarizing rhetoric, crazy, absurd, weird stuff he likes to talk about. whether he will i think his

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advisers would love for him to talk about a pocketbook message , would love for him to talk about these traditional republican themes of i'm going to not raise your taxes and the other guy is. in the past we have seen he thinks that stuff is too boring and he would rather go for stuff that either centers around his personal grievances whether it is the election, court cases or something else or he would like to talk about issues he thinks are more interesting. i think immigration certainly is going to be at the center of the selection more than any we have seen previously, that's something he loves to talk about. >> you're kind of referring to the instinct he has. mark said people underestimated this. they may be entertainment or peer instincts but they certainly resonate with some people. abortion would seem to be much trickier. we have seen the backlash and covered it in purple and red states. take a listen to trump on abortion.

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>> my view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint to the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps a both and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. in this case, the law of the state. at the end of the day this is all about the will of the people. >> i wonder we think about him sounding a lot more a prompt or prepared statement candidate on that issue than others. >> the other remarkable thing is he has been fighting with the right all day about this. he's been called out by some social conservatives whether they are pro-life movement people or senator lindsey graham and he's been hitting back at them. it's a pretty rare example of trump actually fighting with his base who usually are so devoted to him and go with anything he says. he is significantly at odds in

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ways i think may benefit him politically because republicans are not broadly and certainly pro-life republicans are not where we have seen the american people are on this issue. it's an issue that is put republicans in a box so it is possible that if trump is able to establish distance between himself and the right on this issue that actually may lead people to believe and that is why i think you have the biden campaign hammering so hard on the idea that regardless of what he says or how he tries to muddy the waters or make it sound like he's not going to sign a national abortion ban, which is not a question he has answered, they are trying to pin this on him as hard as possible because the republicans do have a very unpopular position on the abortion issue. >> i would totally echo that. i think what trump is saying we need to win elections and abortion is a big losing issue for republicans as currently constituted. we need to finesse this a

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little bit. i think what's interesting is mike pence weighed in today. it's quite critical of the former president's remarks. that's a very vulnerable place for him. very hard-core pro-life in a religious conservative which is what mike pence of stances literally was paid for. he was vouching for trump with that constituency and if that weakens a little bit or if there is a which there he will speak out about it that is a tricky terrain for trump to navigate. this is a really tough issue for him. i think it is fitting he would do it at the end of the primary. i don't the queue would've done that three months ago with ron desantis and others out there trying to hit him from the right on abortion. we will see how he does going forward. certainly the white house but also social conservatives are looking very closely at any signs of weakness on him on abortion and fudging it.

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>> a great point. mark, what you observe as well is he's so obsessed with his perceived strength he would never say nikki haley has a point or i learned some things in the primary. he's tacking very different now because the performance is that and he also can read the polls and data and knows they have an unpopular position if you go with the national ban and all that. very interesting. thanks to both of you for kicking us off here. later i want to tell people maga politics getting roasted on this series finale of curb your enthusiasm. >> let's get rid of him. >> juror number 20. >> dismissed. >> big hair. kellyanne conway. no good. >> yeah. kellyanne conway being the satirical juror. we have

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something special on that. jack smith response on drums immunity due tonight. the case headed for the supreme court. time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools, like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis, help make trading feel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment

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one week from tonight donald trump's first criminal trial will begin in new york city. it will be jury selection on that date over the following days until he gets opening arguments. all of that about hush money payments and possible illegal business record fraud in the 2016 election. crump tried one more hail mary saying he needed a change of venue and the news tonight, this tactic failed. trump lost the effort probably denied. the court took less than two hours to toss that request. that is one of many different ways trump tried accountability. if you've heard all this talk about trump allies and trump untruth social he welcomes this and it will help him. look at what he does not what he says.

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he's been trying to avoid it. trump is suing the judge overseeing the case and challenging the gag order. he has a right to do that and file motions. all of this will be part of the legal process. he is legally presumed innocent in this and all cases. we are also awaiting the other development. jack smith's filing to the court over this so-called immunity. trump lost every round of this case but now it's up to the supreme court. their brief is expected by tonight's deadline. this is a case in which trump's lawyers argued he should have the power to assassinate rivals without any consequence. >> could a president who ordered seal team six to assassinate a political rival, who is not impeached, would he be subject criminal prosecution? >> if he were impeached and convicted first -- >> so your answer is no. >> so your answer is no. that was the stark statement from the judge who part of the ruling ultimately went against

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those very trump arguments. if you say so many cases going on do we have to cover this? this is the real world. this claim that you can assassinate americans without any due process or accountability afterward is now in our world, in our society. it will be dealt with on april 25th. it matters regardless of whether trump disappears or is never president again. we are talking about the lines against tyranny in our society. i wanted to give an update on that as we wait the filing tonight. msnbc will have the news for you if he files in the next hour and not at 11:59. coming up, a new twist in the clash over voting rights with serious pressure on maga. larry david uses his series finale making waves to continue to roast trump and right-wing politics. we have that coming up as

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promised. i wanted to mention what i discussed at the top of the hour. we are living through something together. this historic and astounding eclipse. we will queue our msnbc eclipse music. over 30 million americans were in the path to see what we captured for you here. this is a development that goes beyond news, weather or intergalactic phenomenon. this is something we wanted to make sure we mark. something we can barely understand or put into words. so many people made an effort to experience this together. >> absolutely amazing. it makes you want to cry. it's so beautiful. it's like a once-in-a-lifetime thing. >> amazing. you can see the stars. >> have you ever seen anything like this? >> so cool.

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>> some were astounded to come outside and see what it involved. especially in places that got dark in the middle of the day. some couples made a plan and executed on it to tie the knot at the moment of this eclipse today. the new york times posted this time-lapse video where you can see the sky darkening. the eclipse goes full force. as reporters, we tend to try to measure these. it's hard to do it justice in words. in some areas covered by this eclipse it went dark for over four minutes straight. if you're thinking this is cool, you'd like to experience again i can tell you the next total eclipse visible in the lower 48 states of our nation will not come until the year 2044. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space?

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marcus: kaleb is my best friend. he's a fireball, full of energy all day, every day. [laughter] when we came to st. jude, it really put us at ease a lot.

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everyone is caring. everyone is loving here. and they're trying to save people's lives all over the world. so everything that you donated is being used. very grateful for everyone that helped out. [music playing]

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two seats at the sushi bar. >> i think we prefer to sit at a table please. >> said. very sad. >> said. that was larry david's character using many californians aversion to maga or trump so he could avoid having to sit near people.

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it's one of the many great plot lines in curb your enthusiasm. it ends its iconic quarter- century run last night. there were many punchlines over the years from the social absurdities to dealing with america's political passions. that drove the main story line in this final season where the fictional larry breaks a real law in georgia where i bet you remember republicans infamously cracked down on voting including trying to criminalize citizens who hand out water or food to people waiting in line to vote. david's character is then arrested for doing that within the show. his mug shot. he donald trump surreal mug shot . he's put on trial in the finale and you can see him outside the courthouse for the high-profile trial flanked by protesters and well-known voting rights activist and actor ted danson. it was covered by msnbc anchors within the fictional universe of the show, and artistic not

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to reality. just like the real life trump hp but witness. alexander vindman ultimately takes the stand against larry in the show. here's that moment amongst some clips which do have low-key spoilers. >> i will not tolerate corruption from trump, or larry david. >> trump, putin and larry david. that's an unusual combination. >> i overheard larry david attempting to bribe a city councilwoman. >> stop at voter suppression. >> stop suppressing the vote. >> what are you doing? >> i can't sit this one out. election integrity. they are stealing votes. >> you're stealing the spotlight.

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>> in the real world donald trump's trial begins next week and will begin with that high- stakes jury selection i mentioned on the program. at larry's trial they satirized that processed using the legal right to strike jurors by applying his fashion radar to weed out who he believed to be republican jurors. see if you agree with how he detects politics in this manner though it did not save him. >> that guy's got a straight tie. let's get rid of him. >> juror number 20. >> not loving 22. big hair. kellyanne conway. >> dismissed. >> we know this law is wrong. it's only purpose is to scare people off from voting. it is an insult to democracy and it goes against everything

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the bible tells us. >> let's get you out of here. >> what are you talking about? >> you're a free man. he's under sequester. from his sequester. >> this is how we should've ended the finale. >> you are right. how did we not think of that? >> david using his curb finale to mock the way he actually wrote the controversial seinfeld finale. classic. this weekend i joined david for an hbo event marking the finale. we talked about the scribblers improv approach, jewish humor, dinner etiquette. he explained part of his comic drive is to make the big things small and the small things big.

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david explained death is a big thing. when you make it small there's something funny about it. it's so serious when you trivialize it it becomes funny for some reason. there's wisdom there. it was a treat to interview larry as he says goodbye. something his character felt you have to get right the first time avoiding any awkward double goodbye. >> i don't want to do a double goodbye. i already said goodbye. now you want me to go in and do the double? >> it's a relatable joke which also captures the awareness many people feel just below the surface about how social life is this mutual artifice that could also crumble anytime. goodbyes, parties, all the niceties and traditions we agreed to them but we don't actually think they have independent meaning. we know that. you could read a whole book analyzing those social conventions.

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curb did it faster and funnier. like how charles michalski once said, and intellectuals as a simple thing in a hard way. an artist's is a hard thing in a simple way. amen to that. curb has been breaking many things down to their goofy and simple essence and now it's over. larry is saying goodbye. don't expect curb to come back. double goodbyes are not allowed.

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3:41 pm

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tune into an important topic that sometimes gets brushed aside. we have heard about the reckoning for police brutality. it's been about four years since george floyd was murdered and the officers who killed him have been convicted. has there been a wider sense of rapport and or response after all of those discussions and national alarm about the evidence of, in some cases, on a regular basis police brutality? i can tell you the conservative media has used this period to argue that a overreaction to those issues -- a woke call for policing is somehow causing a recent spurt in crime. >> every police officer i know is looking to get out as fast as possible and they are scared

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to death of being on the street. >> because of the left's war on the police over the last 10 years in places like new york and around the country law and order has broken down. >> the thing they have been prohibited from doing by the woke. >> that's an important set of claims. i'm not showing you that as a sound bite. that is an empirical claim that somehow since say george floyd there has been this policing. someone allegedly told him they are pulling back. let's look at the evidence. it does not show a pullback. the reports about use of force and deadly use of force and number of people killed over reckless behavior continue from nonpartisan independent outlets that track this. police shootings are actually rising. the post track this and it is relatively steady with 1000

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shot and killed by police with some increase in the last full year. the report counts 2023. there are tactics the police are supposed to use to control a situation without killing someone. physical holds, tasers, handcuffs. reports show those tactics are still used extremely aggressively resulting in death. that brings us to this report tonight from the independent nonpartisan associated press. they are not finding what mr. schapiro and others claim. they are finding something else. in an exhaustive review from 2012 to 2021 1036 deaths occurred after police implemented what they call nonlethal tactics. why did more than 1000 die force that isn't meant to kill? by the police his own standards that nonlethal tactic isn't working if it has a lethal result over and over.

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a majority of victims were being confronted over what was described as minor disturbances. you can see how they divide this up. ap is just looking at the facts. it was not a bunch of only bank robberies or violent shootouts. you can see how many people died in that setting. police force was also initially hidden or unmentioned in the medical reports. this is something we reported before. drugs or health conditions that may exist were suggested falsely as the main or sole cause of death. that's all statistics. you can look at examples. 2015. donald dante was a black man who suffered from schizophrenia. police stopped him because they thought he looked suspicious. that is an encounter that was initiated by police. it ended with a beating, teasing and pinning by police. >> the still unexplained death

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of a man just feet from his doorstep. >> next, and altercation, then a taser. >> the grand jury has cleared each of the officers of any wrongdoing in the death of dante i.v. here is what's important. >> these cases are often dealt with by a playbook designed to delay, exhaust and hide the police department said there was a medical crisis to cause the death. it was actually classified as a homicide. i'm talking here about the facts of what happened. it may be that through the legal process prosecutors don't decide that was an intentional killing. maybe the jury presented a not find that it was a murder. those are the legal questions. we are all the way back here about whether we are going to have a discussion of the facts, what police are doing. the facts show more.

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why people die? did they die from a police beating or shooting? some police use of force can be deemed lawful. we aren't getting the facts from these departments. then you have loopholes that go broader than that, community we discussed and the police department sometimes use and abuse to evade accountability. i told you before we will stay on it regardless of whether it is on the front pages or in the political conversation and trends. we turn to someone who has credibility across the spectrum here. mark claxton is a retired nypd protective. he cared about law and order justly pursued and also has a specialty in civil rights which comes up in these kinds of matters. thanks for joining. >> great to be on with you. >> those are the facts. how should we make sense of them? >> what we should realize from much of the facts that you laid out is that most of these type

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of fatal encounters involving police have some commonalities. more times than not it is a situation of a police created jeopardy, meaning the police initiate the interaction themselves and also that these deaths are avoidable as you indicated and unnecessary. i think it is also important to keep in mind that many of those individuals, including myself and those that i've represented, have shifted more or less away from the position about the increased police convictions and more towards the humanistic approach about protecting and preserving human lives which is really the police department's main focus or main mission. >> i mentioned the facts because

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there could be difficult cases even when the facts are established. so often, we see what i mentioned. the hide and delay tactic. take a case that goes all the way back to 2022. the new development is we just finally got footage here that shows california police killing a teenage girl. they were initially responding to trying to help because there were allegations her father had kidnapped her but the video contradicts the police report which said the teen was wearing tactical gear running toward them. we have this footage without sound. it appears to show the girl ducking as police fired towards. there is evidence she was trying to obey the commands. they continued to fire. i'm going to play it with sound with that context. again, we're only getting this now. this did not come out initially, and i'm warning this can be disturbing. >> get down!

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get down! >> come here. come to me. come to me. >> mark, we only got this now, which is why it's back in the news. let's put aside the legal question of whether any officer might be subject to criminal liability and start with the basic question of when you just look at that, a lot of police presence. a lot of space. and a lot of shots. does that look like good policing or overuse of weaponry? >> it doesn't appear to be the best tactical policing. but i think what tends to exacerbate and increase suspicion and frustration in the communities across the board is the lack of transparency of police departments. this particular case, this occurred in 2022. the cases that were profiled in

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the a.p. story are some are many years old, et cetera. most cases that involve these police created fatalities, these police fatalities are not even documented in a way that requires transparency. so part of the problem is we're not getting all of the data, all of the information about how many actual cases are similar to this case in 2022 or those profiled in the a.p. story itself. so part of it is transparency. the lack of transparency that police agencies tend to have, and that's all part of police culture. but that police culture, that part of the police culture is leading us to be more distrustful and suspicious of the objectives of a lot of the police agencies. >> yeah. and i think you make a very important point there because we're talking about trust in police communities. and when it takes this long and then it's misleading, that costs

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everyone. i mentioned we're indebted to the associated press for this exhaustive report. it's one of these times i tell viewers, however you get your news, there are such important stories we get from print, and the a.p. went through all of that data, and also went through individual cases which we all know, sometimes you look at the human cases, it's sad and it also shows what's in the data. i wanted to highlight 68-year-old carl grant, suffering from dementia and was found hours away from his home. tried to enter a house that apparently he falsely thought was his own. residents called the police, which could be an understandable reaction. and grant refused to move. then an officer pushed him down some steps. the officer then took him to a hospital. and that same officer will be seen slamming grant to the ground, basically had these actions that resulted in paralysis and then grant died

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about six months later from that underlying injury. this is also disturbing. >> that was captured on these body cameras which have been a part of reform efforts. the officers force was deemed excessive. he was suspended for 15 days. the a.p. does report he's no longer a city employee meaning he's no longer with the force. i wanted to get your thoughts on that, because it has already been deemed formally excessive force, and that situation tragic, but you referred earlier to what's unnecessary. race and class statistically are shown to be a part of the problem. someone who first of all might have dementia but be in a better facility or situation might not be in that situation. second, how they look may signal

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to officers how they're being treated, which is wrong, if everyone, every senior citizen with dementia is not a violent threat should be handled more fairly. >> that's another pattern that seems to pop up in these type of cases. and that is, of course, as you indicated, in the data will verify, validate that the black and brown people are more prone to suffer the fatalities at the hands of police. but then you have this other subset, and that's the most vulnerable within the subset. those people who may be struggling with some mental health challenges, some other issues or items, some vulnerabilities. i'm reminded of the interaction with elijah mcclain some years ago. and that makes it even -- that makes it that much more difficult to accept police accounts and rationalize their behavior when you find that the most vulnerable among the

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minority group is unnecessarily targeted and too often killed at the hands of police. >> yeah. i think you put that with humanity in perspective. again, we report on these items so people have the facts. and again, i began with some claims that are not supported that somehow a reform agenda is making police pull back. both in fatalities, lethal force, and fatalities in areas without lethal force, quote/unquote, there's no pullback. i want to thank mark claxton as well as the a.p. and we'll be right back.

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4:00 pm

their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. women's basketball is crushing. the iowa hawkeyes match against uconn on friday was great basketball, great athleticism, and also huge for the culture. over 14 million people tuned in. we should note that is more than every men's nba finals game and every world series game over the last four years, if you're counting, which they do in sports. clark's professional career is just beginning. we'll hear a lot more about many of these talented players and we wanted to mark that on a busy news day. that's it for us. "the reidout" starts now. tonight on

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